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  1. The game will be played without a kitty and no Jokers.

  2. All games will be played with blind boards.

  3. 6 games will be played.

  4. Points are awarded for the number of books made.

  5. “No” bids count for double points (positive or negative).

  6. 5 points positive or negative is game.

  7. A game can be won of 2 sets (bad bids), odd or, a renege. If this happens the opposing team will receive 5 additional points.

  8. 2 sets (bad bids) are game regardless of the score.

  9. If a game is won on the first hand (Backdoor win) by the non-bidding team, they will receive 5 points.

  10. Points are only used in the event of ties. If there is a tie, there will be a one game playoff. Points are of no value in the one game playoff.

  11. The tournament official(s) will determine the number of teams who will advance to the playoff round based on the number of teams participating in the tournament. The most games won will determine which teams advance.

  12. If there is a Boston pot, the team with the most Boston’s by the 4th game wins the pot. If no team has scored a Boston by the 4th game, the team with the best record at the conclusion of game 6, will win the Boston pot. If more than one team is tied with the most Boston’s or, the best record, the Boston pot will be divided equally among those teams.

  13. 5-minute rule. If you are not in your seat ready to play within 5 minutes at the start of a game, the opposing team will be awarded the game and 5 points.



14.  The first club will determine who deals first. The deal proceeds               clockwise.

15.  The deck must be cut before each deal begins and the deck must remain face down on the table. Multiple cuts are allowed.

16.  It is a misdeal if the wrong player dealt. The hand is void and the correct player must re-deal.

17.  It is a misdeal if any player does not have the correct number of cards before bidding begins. The hand is void and the correct player must re-deal.

18.  If any card is exposed when dealing, there must be a re-deal by the correct player.

19.  You may not pick up your hand until the blind board is in place.

20.  Once the blind board goes up, there is absolutely no talking unless specifically defined within a rule.

21.  The first card played signals when the blind board comes down and before the next card is played. If the next card is played before the blind board comes down, the other players have a right to ask who played what card only.

22.  If a card is exposed after the deal is done but before bidding begins, the opposing team has the option to continue play or, direct a re-deal.



23. All players must count their cards before they make a bid. If you are short of cards or have extra cards, the hand is void and the correct player must re-deal.

24.  The minimum bid is 1.

25.  For bidding must be verbal. Legal bids are for example: “Pass” (bid), “1” (straight/uptown bid), “1-Special” (downtown bid) or, “1-No” (no-trump bid). Players cannot say the words “Uptown”, “Downtown” or, “No trump” when bidding. If you say any of these words, the opposing team has the option to continue play or, direct a re-deal.


26.  No player may not drag their bid (no “Half-stepping). For example, the bidder says 3; pauses and then says special. If this happens, the opposing team has the option to continue play or, direct a re-deal.

27.  Progressive bidding. Each bid must be at least one number higher than the previous bid, except for a “No” bid. No player may make a bid that is not progressive or that gives inappropriate information. If this happens, that bidder is forced to make the progressive bid and, their partner is silenced and cannot bid.

28.  If all players pass, the dealer must bid a minimum of 2, 2-Special or, 2-No.

29.  If a player bids out of turn, the opposing team has the option to bid, direct a re-deal or, let the “out-of-turn” bid stand. The player who made the “out-of-turn” bid silences their partner and they cannot bid. If the opposing team chooses to bid, the player who made the “out-of-turn” bid cannot re-bid. If the opposing team bids, the correct player may state their bid in any amount even if it is lower than the “out-of-turn” bid. If this happens, their partner may pass or, make a progressive bid. Whatever the highest bid is after all bids are stated is the bid that plays.

30.  The player awarded the bid must name a trump or, the first card played is automatically trump except on a “No” bid.

31.  If the bidder bids a “No” then plays a card without stating the direction of the bid, it is an automatic set unless the opposing team wants to continue play.



32.  All cards must remain in your hands during play. If a player exposes their cards at any time after all bids are made, to include playing out of turn, it is an automatic set for the points of the bid regardless of who bids unless the opposing team wants to continue play. If your team already has a set (bad bid), it is game. If the bid is a 1 (of any kind), a set is odd; it is game and, the opposing team will be awarded 5 points.

33. Once play begins, if a player pulls a card out of their hand, they must play it.

34.  Once play begins, if the bidding team is short of cards or has extra cards, the bidding team is set for the points of the bid.

35.  Once play begins, if the non-bidding team is short of cards or has extra cards, the bidding team has the option to continue play or, take the points of the bid.

36.  Once play begins, if a player from each team is short of cards or has extra cards, the hand is void and the correct player must re-deal.

37.  Each team must keep their books together in one straight line on one side of the table.

38.  The player collecting the books must allow all 4 cards to be seen before the book is closed.

39.  Each book must be closed before the correct player leads the next card.

40.  Once the book is closed it may not be re-opened.

41.  A renege can only be called on a closed book. If a renege is called, the player calling the renege must call for the tournament director. Closed books can only be re-opened by a tournament director.

42.  Players must ask to review the scoresheet to identify the score, the dealer, the bid and/or, what suit is trump. No player may state who played what card or, any other information about the hand until the hand is over.

43.  All hands must be played out regardless of the score unless ALL players agree to stop play.

44.  If a team turns all 13-books, and it results in game, it does count as a Boston, this includes negative points.

45.  All scores are final when the score sheet is signed by both teams. Tournament officials/verifies can make corrections on the score sheet. If this happens, the team/players will be notified.

46.  If a player leaves before completing play and they do not have a substitute player, their team forfeits all remaining games and their money will not be refunded.

47.  No refunds for disorderly conduct.


A tournament director(s) must be called for any ruling and their ruling is final!

Revised July 24, 2021

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